Groton Chiropractor Embraces the role of Back Pain Specialist

When I check into a hotel for a conference, the conversation often goes like this:

Front desk staff: “So what are you here for?”

Me: “I’m a chiropractor from Groton attending a meeting.”

Front desk staff: “Really? I have this pain down my leg…”

Your Groton chiropractor loves this and could talk back pain and neck pain all day long! Groton chiropractic patients at Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office know this for sure. Your Groton chiropractor enjoys the status as the Groton back pain specialist. Being a primary spine practitioner is so stimulating and inviting! Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office understands back pain and neck pain, is a specialty clinic for spine pain patients, and isn’t bashful at all about letting everyone know in Groton.


You have heard of the Gallup Poll. A consultant for Gallup teamed up with the Palmer College of Chiropractic for a study that revealed that 78% of American adults would rather use a non-drug option over a prescription medication to cope with pain like low back or neck pain. Those same adults considered physical therapy and chiropractic care as quite effective and safe when compared to pain medications. Aaron Carroll MD writes for the New York Times, and in a blog post called “For Bad Backs, It’s Time to Rethink Biases about Chiropractors,” he emphasized how bad the opioid crisis is in the US and that evidence-based non-drug methods like spinal manipulation are practical alternatives. (1) Chiropractic identity researchers wrote that chiropractic is viewed by society as a profession of health care providers who are experts in spine care as their education, scope of practice, and educational accrediting and testing revolve around spine care. (2) In one study 61.4% of US adults believed that chiropractic care successfully relieved neck and back pain. 52.6% believed chiropractors were trustworthy. (3) Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office gets this. Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office knows that Groton back pain and neck pain patients find relieving help with the Groton chiropractic care and then rely on Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office to guide them in other healthy approaches to control their back pain conditions and enhance their health and spine to avert future adverse health and/or spinal pain conditions.


Specially trained to care for patients with spinal disease, primary spine practitioners play many responsibilities: diagnose, rule out serious pathology (cancer, fracture, infection, etc.), present evidence-based care like spinal manipulation, manual therapy, rehab/exercise, education about the condition, counseling to help the back pain sufferer accept the condition and its outcome expectations as well as commit to its treatment plan, and coordinate all facets of care (imaging, injections, surgery if/when needed). (4) It’s a big job with plenty of responsibility! It is truly the role your Groton chiropractor embraces! What do Groton back pain sufferers wants? Consumers desire access to non-drug therapies delivered by spine care experts like chiropractors first. This benefits in a few ways. One is improving the value of spine care delivery. Two is helping address the primary care shortage. (1,5) Three is reducing the cost of care. (6) Four is potentially curbing the opioid epidemic. The American College of Physicians’ recommendations for back pain sufferers specifically state that opioids are the last option behind non-pharmacological treatment options like spinal manipulation, exercise, acupuncture, etc. (7) Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office is here to do its share to help.


Listen to this PODCAST about how a chiropractic back pain specialist trained in Cox Technic helped a patient who doesn’t want back surgery helped him avoid one.

Schedule your next Groton chiropractic appointment with Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office to look into the benefit of having the Groton back pain specialist caring for your back pain and spine pain without medications in many cases.

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