Sitting, even in the car to and from Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office's office, can aggravate a bad back.
Sitting increases the intradiscal pressures in the spine.
Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office relies on the researcher Nachemson's documentation of the amount of pressure on your spine when in various positions: standing, sitting, moving. For this discussion on sitting, see that sitting straight exerts 140 pounds of pressure on the spine. Sitting slouched forward exerts 185 pounds of pressure. Sitting slouched forward holding weight (like a purse or baby) increases the pressures to as high as 275 pounds. Getting up to stretch drops pressure to 100mm in the standing position, so get up periodically to drop the pressure!
140 pounds of pressure - sitting upright
185 pounds of pressure - sitting slouched forward
275 pounds of pressure - sitting slouched forward more
100 pounds of pressure - standing
What to do if you must sit...
Consider the Amount of Time
- If you must sit around at a Groton baseball game or event, do so for 15 minutes to 30 minutes and get up to stretch. Don't sit for long periods of time.
Consider the Chair
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Dr. James M. Cox I."